Legends: The Best of the Larry King Show, Volume 2

Released in 1993, Legends: The Best of the Larry King Show, Volume 2, was a single cassette audio released in 1993 by Simon & Schuster. The cassette came housed in an approximately 4 x 7 inch box.



You can see that the back of the box listed the six stars who appeared on the tape. Inside this package was a normal sized cassette case with a j-card very similar to the front of the box.



Except for the following article from the February 16, 1994, edition of the Alomogordo Daily News, Alomogordo, NM, very little on the release has been found.

Alamogordo (NM) Daily News 2-16-94

The Stewart segment begins side 2 of the tape and is just under eight minutes in length. It was edited from a 41 minute appearance Jimmy made on The Larry King Show in 1986. That entire show was presented in an earlier blog.

Here is what you will find on this cassette: